Inspiration by Teens

My Testimony

Here's the story of my path to faith...

     Many of us associate our most deeply-held convictions with a single, life-changing experience. Others have always held certain beliefs sacred. In either case, it is important to talk about our experience and share our story or testimony. Once a get an email acount for this website I will start taking your testimony's and put them up here.
     When I was younger I never went to church. The fact of the matter was that I never even knew what a religion was. I always thought it was weird people who insanely believed in this one book. One little book that made them powerful and gave them hope. Once I tried to read this book, but an 8 year old blonde haired girl like me and a book with vocabulary like that dont mix very well. As I grew older I understood more about religion. The one day that really changed my life in religion though was August 9, 2003. It was my Aunt's funeral. My sweet Aunt Laurie. She grew up with some disease or disorder. I am not sure what. But anyways the docter gave her some medicine and put her on it for too long and she became handicapped. She was handicapped probably for my whole life. I could never be completely sure. I never was really told to much about it. I do remember one main thing about her. She was the only one I could talk to about my brother. My brother at that time was diagnosed with Chrons Disease. An incurable disease in the intestines. It was extremely painful and very rare. He was put on the same medicine that handicapped my Aunt. Aunt Laurie comforted me and said that he would be ok.  She is an amazing person and I know she is looking over me right now.
     My mom was best friends with my Aunt Laurie. My Aunt Laurie was my fathers sister. Even though my parents divorced when I was five my mom and aunt stayed friends. When my parents got a divorce my mom got real depressed. She even stopped having faith. So I grew up without faith for many years. Until my Aunts death. It must have snapped my mom out of it. Because the next thing i knew i was going to church and sunday school.  I am connected into my faith and wanting to do my best to stay with it. After all god is everlasting so he can help all of us forever and never leave.

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For teens by Teens